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Complete "Vachana Ramayanam" Sarga by Sarga  written by VR_image

Smt. Srimat tirumala peddinti. Venkata Seetamma garu (Ayyavari Rudravaram)

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About Pravachanam.Com

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed by the speakers or the audiences in the various discourses posted on, linked to, or broadcast by are the opinions of the respective speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of

“Pravachanam” is a Sanskrit word which means a discourse from a Guru on any matter related to spirituality or code of conduct. In the good old days of Guru-Shishya tradition, Gurus dedicated their lifetime propagating the principles they believed through “Pravachanams” to the interested Shisyas in particular, and to the common public in general. The spontaneous flow of words from these great souls is the “Amrita Dhara” (flow of nectar) which got the potential to rejuvenate the tired minds and act as the greatest motivator to orient them to the most meaningful path in life. In the days of no popular media, people used to walk miles together to cherish the great experience of listening to their Guru’s live discourses. In the modern world, there are many interested people like us yearning for this nectar but do not get an opportunity to get it from the live discourses. This website is made for people like us who in the hustle and bustle of life in the distant lands never get an opportunity to fully know their Dharma, their philosophy and more so their roots, through Gurus inspite of their best intentions.

Yes, we are gathering collection of discourses on our most valued epics, Vedas and Upanishads and various spiritual topics of our Hindu Dharma for the very people like us. Today in this busy internet world, we hardly have time to sit down and read books to learn from them. Even if we get that time, it is difficult for us to get to the depth of the subject by reading alone. Also a learned Guru can link all the related scriptures and our practical daily life together to strengthen the subject line, which is impossible for ordinary mortals like us by reading the books. Hence we thought the best way is to collect the audio, video recordings of some of the discourses rendered by great Pravakthas (Speakers) and keep them in this website.

To bring this treasure to your door, we have put lot of efforts. We bought some of the CDs from the stores. We collected some of them from our friends and families. Some of the discourses are even captured as audios from video tapes and audio cassettes while taking care to not to violate copyrights if any.

The great saints and poets like Veda Vyas, Valmiki, Pothana who rendered the ancient Sanskrit texts wanted all of us to learn and benefit from the same. Also when our very own senior Gurus have spoken in public meeting places and elucidated these scriptures, we are sure their intention was to make the true meaning of these scriptures to reach common man for the benefit of our society. We are sure that this continues to be the goal of any Pravaktha propagating our Hindu Dharma.

However if anybody have any objection on any of the Pravachanams we posted, they may please send email. We will remove it from our website immediately. On the same note if you have some discourses of any Pravakthas, which you would like to forward to us so that others can benefit from it,

please send an email to :

Please download the Pravachanams and listen to them on your mp3 players in your car or in any family gatherings where you have enough seriousness and interest to preserve the due respect to the speaker and the content.

If you like our efforts please pass on our website information to others. Please donate generously so that we can help the needy Gurus and Pravakthas and the organizations behind. Also we would like to spend every penny from this effort to support various charity activities of our Hindu Dharma in various holy places.